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Strukt was commissioned by Himmer, Buchheim und Partner to help them create a news-studio setting for the Erste Bank e_motion day 2011. The biggest challenge was to transport the news-look from the TV screen into an event location. Everybody knows how a newscast has to look on TV but how does it work with a live audience? Strukt decided to use a large panoramic backdrop with rounded edges as our projection screen. Through the use of picture-in-picture live video and pre-produced clips we enhanced the news experience.
For the opening of the event Strukt created a trailer, explaining the achievements of the past and the challenges of the future. The animation made use of the curved projection canvas and was spread over an aspect ratio of 4:1. A 16:9 adaption of the animation was used in Erste Bank‘s intranet before the event.
Client: Erste Bank Österreich
Agency: Himmer, Buchheim & Partner
Project Manager: Thomas Hitthaler
Programmer: Robi Hammerle
Designers: Iris Wieder, Robert Hammerle
Animators: Andreas Koller, Gregor Hofbauer
Agency CD: Eva Buchheim
Agency PM: Sonja Himmer, Melanie Riepl
Featured projects in order of appearance:
Kia Motors IAA - Multi-touch installations
SCS - Shop Finder Terminal
Vienna Boys’ Choir - Interactive Sound Installation
Vienna Tourist Board - Waltz Hero
Austria Sounds Great - MIDEM fair booth concept
RWE Campus Tour - Struktable multi-touch installation
Energie Steiermark E-Wonderworld - Struktable multi-touch installation
Castle Museum Linz - Multitouch Installation
Lightrails - Interactive light sculpture
Museum Brennpunkt - Interactive Museum Exhibits
Austria Tourist Office - Create A Snowflake
MuMoK Resampled
Kurier Innovations 2012 - Stage design
OMV - We Are The OMV Photo Mosaic
Erste Bank e_motion day 2011 - Event- and Motiondesign
Krebshilfe Österreich - Stage projections
Nespresso - Pixie Product Launch
Mercedes-Benz - The design:project - Letter Universe
Mercedes-Benz - DLD Conference Media Globe
Easybank Easyguide - Animated infographics
Spot On Wien - Motion design
Austria A - Launch animation
TOCA ME - Opening titles
NODE Forum for Digital Arts - Trailer
Der Standard - Commercials
Lake Constance - Animated infographics
It’s got to be Austria - Animations for Austrian National Tourist Office
Gas Connect Austria Compressor Station - Interactive Webvideo
mySugr - Corporate identity and app design
Austria Fashion Awards - Opening film
COPA-DATA zenon 7 - Imagevideo
Daughter - Youth (Wild Culture's Leo crazy in love mix)
Kelpe - Margins
Siriusmo - High Together
Details about all the projects are available on our website:
Short promotional teaser clip of collaborative live AV performance with the Spanish Composer and electronic musician Ramón Prada for LEV 2012 Laboratorio de Electrónica Visual which takes place on April 27-28th 2012 across a variety of venues in Gijon, Spain.
The work interweaves classical composition incorporating live piano and viola with field recordings and abstract electronic tones and rhythms. For the video I've used live sound analysis combined with time-line triggers, often shifting the connections between musical voices and abstract visual signifiers in the hope of creating non-predictable synchronies. These shifts are also triggered by rhythmic aspects of the composition.
Flickr Stills:
Extra Info:
Interactive Realtime Image Synthesizer
This realtime-mapping feature (similar to a Body Painter)
was implemented to realize a multi projection-setup which could map pre-rendered as well as generative content to static and dynamic surfaces. It was a lot of fun to play with it:
IRIS is a software platform for realtime image synthesis, video compositing and spatial media design.
Due to its modular and scalable architecture, it takes little effort to adapt IRIS from a single screen setup to complex situations, such as 3D mappings, multi projector setups, LED walls, etc.
IRIS will be open-source & is close to its initial release.
Based on vvvv.
Excerpts from performance.
Created in vvvv and performed live.
Music by "Naka"
Les demoiselles dynamiques is an interactive installation that reenacts the image of one of the most symbolic paintings of cubism (Les demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso), to achieve the multi-prospective approach of a cubist image.
This is possible through the simulation of the parallax effect between the represented objects and the user's point of view. In this way, the screen isn't an indifferent support to the fruition, but tries to give an experience, similar to the natural way of interaction.
The window open to the world, that for Leon Battista Alberti meant: an opening of the thought in an physical space, becomes a window where it's possible to see the landscape behind his frame.
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