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Branded art installation for Nokia Lumia stand at the Christmass show, Saint-Petersburg.
dec 2011
EVE shifts light and sound, adjusting to its changing environment. Digital sculpture designed for the large media environment.
Recorded in realtime
sneak peek to my installation nachtschatten /* nightshadow */ for luminale 2012 - mainz.
further information here:
Der erste Tag auf dem Börsenplatz.
Aufbau der Kuppeln und Roboter.
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Musik: Grünemusik - Click Click
Bevor es richtig los ging, haben unsere Jungs von MESO bis tief in die Nacht programmiert und getestet.
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Musik: Kämmerer-11 PM - Club sofa and Campari club soda
Planen, Denken, Ausprobieren. Eine Idee nimmt Form an.
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Musik: DJ Klass - La Cite De L'Eau Fraiche
The new Google Campus is situated in the Old Street area of East London or “Silicon Roundabout” and is regarded as the UK’s answer to Silicon Valley.
The opening was a great success and in classic Google style, the unveiling of the plaque was not the typically dull moment found at most launches.
As the Chancellor pulled on the lever, he triggered the mapping of the graffiti style plaque with dynamic 3D visual effects, creating an electrically themed animated show.
George Osborne was suitably wowed by the performance, stating:
“I’ve opened some plaques in my time, but this one was by far the most interesting.”
He went on to deliver a well received speech to entrepreneurs and techno-enthusiasts, expressing his desire for the UK to become the hub for technology in Europe”.
The launch follows a line of previous events where we’ve provided our digital expertise to internet giant Google. In November 2011, we supplied 8 custom YrWall Digital Graffiti Walls for Google’s EMEA sales conference in Dublin, and again in February we provided a YrWall and two of our award-winning interactive Digital Surfaces for the opening of Google’s new offices in Covent Garden.
credits Stix, stroon
finally stroon convinced me to release preview of our performance, i wanted to make a music video rather than preview of live show, but here it is!
This version is simplified, so fraps can make 720p recording, I still haven't made proper interface in second renderer, so its little bit slow because I didn't want to mess with patch during recording too much.
Also all i turned off all feedback/blending effects, but still you get the picture of how it looks so enjoy .)
Its all made in vvvv, only moon is made in blender, oh and thanks for that great boids node :)
and here you can find more of awesome music made by stroon:
»Magic and Storytelling« is an interactive presentation about the history of storytelling augmented with virtual magic in real-time. It was produced and created by New York based cyber illusionist Marco Tempest in collaboration with onformative and checksum5.
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Watch the TED performance:
Special thanks to David Britland for his amazing script, Michael Ricar for the music and sound design. Tebjan Halm for additional vvvv programming and documentation sound. Enrico Viola for the relentless OF sandboxing and prototyping. Jason Saragih for sharing his FaceTracker library. Tobias Beckwith for the voice cameos, Sherry and Matt for being amazed and to Steve Cohen for bringing Jean Robert-Houdin to life one last time.
"Magic and Storytelling" is powered by
Marco Tempest:
documentation sound:
Tebjan Halm,
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