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'Crash project', fulfilled within two weeks - from scenario and stage design till full show with 8 minutes of 3D content.
april 2011
An experiment in designing audio waveforms that look interesting, as well as sounding coherent, this piece was made for Bring Your Own Beamer, Birmingham as part of Flatpack festival 2012, but is part of an ongoing investigation.
Приложение для комфортного терминала SURFX
Для мероприятия CAMEL BEYOND SOUND было создано приложение для раскраски силуэта верблюда, множество способов рисования, изменение размера и цвета кисти, выбор фактуры а так же возможность сохранить получившийся рисунок, и отправить себе на электронную почту. Буквально несколькими прикосновениями к сенсорному экрану (multitouch 12 points), участники мероприятия создавали незабываемый рисунок на силуэте верблюда. При помощи технологии маппинг (проекции на объемные предметы) процесс создания и финальный результат можно было увидеть на отдельно стоящем, объемном силуэте верблюда (высота 2,5м)
Проведите шар через лабиринт.
Игра полностью адаптируется под ваш фирменный стиль: добавляется логотип, меняется цветовая гамма, добавляются фотографии или 3d-модели.
В конце игры можно отправить рекламную брошюру, ссылку или фотографии на электронную почту игрока.
credits karistouf
A one-mask theatre play.
Lighting, and Video: Christoph Guillermet ( karistouf).
Animations were created by Magali Charrier.
Technique: White Cat Lighting Board remoting vvvv in artnet, jeenode ( arduino like rf ) remoting dimmers in 12v inside a pizza box and on the moped, dmx 512 for traditionnal lights.
Parts of animations were assembled thru VVVV patches to obtain quickly results and design interaction between videos and actor. Some animations are staying processed real time, other were finally outputted in wmv.
credits karistouf
A one woman theatre play, all video rendering done with VVVV, and remoted by whitecat in art-net ( CueList usage).
France, 2012
Written and performed by Marie Montoya
Directed by Lucie Muratet
Lighting, Video by Christoph Guillermet (karistouf)
Interactive Exhibit for Mini
On behalf of MKT AG MESO Digital Interiors realized the interactive counter "Style is all over" after the concept of our partner Hielscher Lungershausen Design GmbH to introduce MINI´s latest style features to its fans at Autmobilsalon Geneva 2011.
In a drawer under the counter several model cars were placed ready to be touched by the visitors. Both, model cars and hands, were tracked by a camera and projected on the counters surface. Each model car was related to a different style feature, e.g. interior material and exterior style. By touching the different model cars under the counter the visitors were introduced to the various style features of MINI that were layered on the projection of model car and visitors hand on the counters surface.
The MESO Team: Jannis Kreft, Nils Buhlert, Sebastian Oschatz, Markus Wolf
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
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