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credits Alessandro Perini, Fabio Monni
Click on this link to see an excerpt of the work in 3D and find more info on the final presentation of the project:
"Secret lives" was commissioned by Connect Festival.
It was premiered in Malmö (Sweden) during the Connect Festival 2011.
The work is a tryptich dedicated to the three italian composers Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna and Franco Donatoni.
In this work gruppoGruppo sets up three different paths of manipulations in the domain of sound and image, in different ways according to the composers to which the three videos are dedicated.
In the video about Berio, his portrait reveals to be a multi-layered construction, also connected to the ideas of showing and hiding. The musical part is built using his voice and samples from his masterpiece "Sinfonia".
Donatoni is surrounded by the ghosts of his musical handwriting, taking the form of little insects or particles, recalling the "cells" of his compositional process. A reference to his love for jazz music is evident in both the imagery and the sound. All the sounds are derived from a sample taken from his piece "Hot".
The video dedicated to Maderna plays with the concept of controlling or being controlled by an abstract structure. Various processed versions of Venice's map are used to model different landscapes, while the music (the sounds are taken from Maderna's "Venetian journal") tries to retrieve the hidden origin of the whole work.
Animation made with vvvv.
Website of the authors:
Time-elapse video of a "Google Eye" data-scuplture by Andrej Boleslavsky(CIANT) being printed by MakerBot during the workshop Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms at iMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory), Brussels
{Red est une rencontre entre Haythem Zakaria artiste digital et Nicolas Gimbert artiste plasticien sonore. Il s’agit d’une performance audio-vidéo générée par un procédé visuel live et alimentée en partie par une bande son.
L’image sera écrite en temps réel grâce à un traitement numérique. Le dispositif utilisera des schémas algorithmiques pour peindre des réalités virtuelles sans cesse confrontées au son. Ce dernier est le fruit de captation d’objets du quotidien traités en analogique et ensuite en digital.
Haythem Zakaria // Visuals
Nicolas Gimbert // Music
Post-production wedding filmed in Sitges, Catalonia, Spain.
In association with THE VISUAL PARTNERS.
Note: slow motion: twixtor (some) and motion (others)
credits Tatiana Plakhova, Eduard Haiman, Vadim Smakhtin, V4W.ENKO. Big thanks to unc and dottore for the help with shaders and VVVV community for making all this possible.
Generative real-time audio-visual installation, produced for BMW.
Generative real-time audio-visual installation, produced for BMW.
More photos from this project .
Art - Tatiana Plakhova
Design - Eduard Haiman
Programming - Vadim Smakhtin
Sound - V4W.ENKO
parallelism (personal dark times)
ashamed, bored, unexpected, tired... criticism of the hungry, sad and disillusioned society.
conceptual short film.
shooted with harinezumi
edited with final cut pro
1st. Special Mention of jury at:
Curtismyfilm/Experimental Shortfilms Festival in Lleida
Exhibition on cinemas and tv.
September 28, 2011
Finalist at:
The Harinezumi: Where Your Heart Should Be
Nightwood - Art Gallery
Exhibition on:
1520 N. Cahuenga Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90028
May 27 - May 30, 2010
Opening reception: May 27, 7-10pm
Live performance by Take
DJ sets by Daedelus and Superheadz
Visual mix by Superheadz
dancer: ana corredor
red one camera: sergi & ricard cañellas (seitó films)
postproduction/videomaker: nacho mayals mira
music: kaada
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