kalle, your outline shader is great and deserves it to be added on the shader list :) otherwise it could get lost in the vvvvorums...
@kalle: that robot is wicked! high-speed dribbling omg :-)
Thanks Kalle, it seems I will be able to "approximate" colors now, and kinda lower the bitdepth of an image..next time I reboot on Win I'll try.
@bitminster tnx, i'm not in london at the moment.. i have a video in the wow+flutter section at onedotzero though http://www.onedotzero.com/programme.php?id=373&event=31216
Nice that SiftHSV, any more info?Where can I find it? http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId=11&sort_mode=created_desc&desp=0&offset=0&imageId=7341
it is not running Windows XP Home. Windows XP Home is lacking some of the network functionality required by (most) PSTools commands from: http://forum.sysinternals.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=15919
@markus4: RemoterSA itself should definitely run. the only problem i could think of is that PsTools won't work on HOME for some reasons?
@joreg: does RemoterSA working on Windows "home" or does it need a Windows "Professioneal"?
how is that patched? http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=7338
Dashard.dll no longer supported? Node says Dashard2006.dll where can I get that, does it work with rodin?
@defetto, if you have any work/shows on in london, i'd like to attend! also http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/arts-job/post/isadora-video-programmer/ if anyone knows Isadora...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB8t6yQOXaI Show coming up in Lugano, Oct 4
@bitminster: if you have skype add me - gazrolez - be cool to have a chat with another V4 londoner
is there a simple way to define a width for a b-spline?
@dEp you could also try Copy(String)
ai, good to hear it is being used..
@joreg: remoterSA is great!
aha! i've got it :) thank you!
Separate (String) -> GetSpread (String) -> + (String Spectral)
what's the best way to get the first x words of each string in a spread?
does anybody know if it's possible to stream video from the Zi6 into vvvv? thx for any help
have a small boygroup here at meso, i'll give it a try!
@joreg...not yet but the next boygoup project will be easier with remoter. thanx for the development
@ joreg : yep i'll try the beta3 asap
is anybody using RemoterSA at all?
RemoterSA_beta3 is out: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=RemoterSA
help...when I load in a new mesh to the pointEditor, the patch doesn't update properly...can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
We can al be computerl experts :) http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/tech_support_cheat_sheet.png
you categorized by alphabets? And how would I know what are the connectable nodes to say 1 i created?
inquis, in blank space - double click, then right click and the nodes are categorized by their function (very handy!) Also, nice shot from bremen!
@Gaz: i don get this part "Double left, right click - left hand menu - find X section " please elaborate thx!!
@inquisitive: create a node - hover the mouse over output pin - will saysupports - X. Double left, right click - left hand menu - find X section - all these nodes can connect to your first node.
I think every message feeds me, but would be great to get a daily all-in-one digest!Anyway this is also ok for now ;)
@rrrr: Great, I just subsecibed, can't wait to get the first feed! :)
like to know whether there is a function within vvvv that contain a list of "connectable nodes"
one more.. the feed also gets published on twitter: http://twitter.com/vvvvshoutbox (withoutlink support)
..but of course. would be easy to just publish this shoutbox in RSS XML format directly from the db. even created a php script for that but didn't get an answer from the site admin..
hi xini & skyliner.. created a shoutbox rss feed some time ago: http://feeds.feedburner.com/vvvvshoutbox you can get it delivered in email format via feedburner
@Xini, i also miss this feature :)
Would be great to receive a daily feed of this shoutbox by email :p
@sohan, you can skype me "tobiasros" or email tobiasrosenberger at hotmail.com
any VVVV users in Singapore....get in touch!
will be in berlin from 23 to 27 of september, who's gonna be around? can anybody point to a nice and cheap hostel?
taxman always gets his cut..
spring particle system in vvvv?
ah, in that case... :-)
@Bilderbuchi, they're italian anyway, taxman always gets his cut!
what is Blackbox(vvvv)?
defetto: so, did you also pay 50€ to get into the competition, and are you aware that your prize money will actually be 75% of whatever you win, because of italian taxes?
me and dottore are finalist at http://www.celesteprize.com/ in berlin, live show will be the 25th of september, anybody around ?
@milo, that is indeed clever, thnx for the link :)
maybe the first reasonable multitouch application: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tio5OvIqToc&eurl=
thx woei! @kalle: wanna exchange modules?
@milo: that look amazing.. Thanks =)
wow can we get a verse plugin for vvvv? i've got a plan to make a sketchup connected that communicates modelling in realtime, but doing it verse is probably better!
milo: http://media.assembly.org/vod/2009/Seminars/879_Developing-the-technology-behind-Love_h264_1024kbit.mp4 esikil talking about the tech/graphics behind love
@cat "cooking lager"
@Digipic, don't drink the lager! ugh!:0
oops too early ....for spelling correctly i'll try again . THANX DEFUNKT DIALEKT! www.myspace.com/defunktdialekt
love your program i'm a big fan! ¬a]e o¬e / Dunkt Dialekt thank you v much.
Anyone at vfestival this year? Working there, for carling ;-)
@Bitminster: Vux is on a festival for the next few days!! ;(
@gregsn: kalle
this looks good: http://www.villagetronic.com/
@new perfmeter: who did that? http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?offset=0&sort_mode=created_desc&desp=&galleryId=11&imageId=7100
That reminds me! how's SS update coming along vux?
fluidsolver+pipet http://www.vimeo.com/6076091
tests with fluidsolver http://www.vimeo.com/6075537
incase you don't already have enough peripherals lying around: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzZeeWk0S7M
itchy and scratchy http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/08/scratch-input/
niiiice intrument :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IObPkUFq0hg&eurl=
zepi: that belkin idea is interesting. supposedly it has a 'XGI X9' graphics chipset which google denies all knowledge of. I wouldn't expect it to support shaders!
yes, more jigabytes, and less kilo-euros :-/
@wirmachenbunt aah if them disks only would have more jiggabytes.. but soon..
me want ssd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Jz7IMwBt4
@karistouf: jes, just replied
graphical programming language for the iPhone http://www.creativeapplications.net/iphone/itch-iphone-openframeworks/
@joreg and kalle : did you receveide my vvvvmessage about karlax ? ;-)
Assembly 2009 over: http://pouet.net/party.php?which=7&when=2009 http://capped.tv/
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