@franck, thanks franck
lol, welcome defetto, 171 new posts.. hmm.. clear list :)
chicken head tracking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dPlkFPowCc
sinus@dottore: my warmest regards!
@karistouf: not sure, as far as i read, its supposed to support at least two fingers by built in drivers. And depending on devices like screens
Heute: Vernisage an der Freien Kunstakademie Nürtingen! Ausstellung geht bis Sonntag. Zu sehen gibt es Arbeiten aus allen erdenklichen Bereichen (auch vvvv ist vertreten!). Infos unter: http://blog.kuehfuss.com
@dottore: great work ;)
@franck:does windows7 is doing multitouch from a classicalexe using simple mouse ?
@migrafel firewire means for this budget you are near the computer. analogic camera are finally more versatile...
controled via wiimote : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1AJ_OBJUpY
@dottore: nice work!
@migrafael: check http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Video+and+Optics+Links#Cameras I recomend unibrain & firewire
@ xd nitro, not colorweb but something similar. Skype me if you wanna chat? andydenniscoates
any one done any vvvv DMX stuff with color web > http://www.chroma-q.com/products/colorweb/overview.html ?
qr decoder from webcam http://www.shiffman.net/p5/pqrcode/
I need some help chosing a camera for tracking. FIrewire or IP? nothing over 300 € if possibel...
@manuel: Hey man! A little bit of motion blur is added in AE. Was rendered at 25 fps.
another svvvvitcher in action :) sorry for the video low quality http://www.vimeo.com/5472738
thks, drakko, i think there is a deep need of a kind of page to understand shader approach .... 10 night evil coding.... hum, maybe you could make a beautiful wiki around one shader step by step ? bravo again...
Yes karistouf, mainly shaders, only 10 nigths to prepare the show.
another svvvvitcher in action :) sorry for the video low quality
tonfilm ... arghhhhh... mainly shaders works ?
juhu, svvvvitcher in action: http://vimeo.com/5262289
ART && CODE SYMPOSIUM videos http://vimeo.com/sfci/videos
@lasaal :Is the motion blur just the clear dxrender thing?
@frank: really beautifull castle destructivism !
@lasal ++, is the motion blur post or realtime?
Nice @ lasal
Made with vvvv
did anyone try these mini touchpannels? they look good for VJing. Would be cool to have them multitouch http://www.mimomonitors.com/
back after a month in canada... 433 new posts..*phew* lots of activity, guys! :-)
made with vvvv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycwL4z1q8t0
news from MIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZBHZT3a-FA
any vvvver's in avignon ?
Thanks Diki, and Sven! Did google it just couldn't find it!
@catweasel: my guess is SeparateFaces by sven http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=userpagesven
@dude of screenshot 7163: effects and their parameters are spreadable!
@johnruntim: they could be out of date, but maybe you could elaborate on your error in a forum post.
I seem to remember a patch to separate faces of an xfile, anyone got it or know where to find it?
P.S thanks tonfilm - I managed to get my Xfiles working ok after re-doing the cpu morph tut a few times!
Are the pixel shader tuts on this out of date?..ps_1_0.. I am getting errors using the shader on this page: http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tutorial+Geometry+Morphing+GPU1
@oschatz: WOW!
Ward Fleming 40,000 black acrylic spheres 0.125 in. dia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egvznCDXvdE
Headtracking API in Halflife2 http://torbensko.com/projects/phd/
hi john, you can connect the xfile loader directly to a shader or a DrawFixed. see help patch (press F1)..
complete newb - stuck on importing Xfile. Can't find a clear explaination of how to wire up Xfile / vertex buffer / Indexbuffer. Just want to see my own geom
Bit off topic but competely inspirational! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJMbk9dtpdY
hello peop`le. nice update
too tall, too slim, too much tobacco! my left lung was as big as a fist
@circuitb Reminds me of http://www.olafureliasson.net/exhibitions/projekt_sammlung_6.html He's done a few water and light installations too, lovely
@xd_nitro: Lots of publicity for you =)
what happened?
Back from hospital with a brand new lung!!! v4 again!
@gav funny eh? check out YrWall on bbc click > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/8121764.stm might make some money out of it one day.
thx to you Haythem
finally: msa remote: http://www.memo.tv/msaremote_for_iphone
http://vimeo.com/5370462 a bit of our gig in Hong Kong...
@sinus, would be fine, thanks a lot ;)
introspector: lots of nice stuff in your photostream!
back-projection using 6 beamers: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21825226@N05/ in the end we used tracing paper for the projection screen
googles photosynth: http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2009/06/new-landmark-in-computer-vision.html
happy birthday mister arsrobota ^^
who know enythink about ibar . multi touch far vvvv
Just saw xd_nitro being interviewed on TV at Glastonbury with his VVVV graff wall ;D
jacksum 5 placed 7 .. :) http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/music/
hey vvvvolks, wanna see your videos on display at a horse racing track? ELEKTRONENTOTO-Video Art Contest, Düsseldorf. http://www.elektronentoto.mobi/
@skyliner: Jeah, ARpool combined with cool ARglasses and play for money....
..actually checksum5 rock'n 'code
checksum5 rule
sinus@lasal: i did similar stuff in jitter/openGL. will take a look a the patches and try to rebuild in vvvv.
great velcrome :))
@devvvs: i m heavely blue screen crashing, while trying to create a theatre play.... is it possible to have feedback and help ?
Somebody knows how to do that? http://www.vimeo.com/2658276
@screamer i am following that. once brian is done (and fusion is over) i'll look into it. http://www.brianpeek.com/forums/t/895.aspx first post was mine btw ;)
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