did anyone try this thingy with V4 http://www.belkin.com/highspeeddock/ . I want to connect a touchpannel while the standard video-out is rendering to a triplehead. does this sound feasible?
@joreg: yeah, awesome, isn't it? one can clearly recognize you - though it's only done in vvvv using the 'contour tracker' and some bad, old photo of you ;) this thing just rocks!
@sven: who took that picture of me?
who has done this devvvinitely Ctrl-E tutorial ? thxs :!!!! ;-)
a quick istallation I did (started the night before exhibition opening): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8a5NOnzZe8
@mous: i do have irc: ##vvvv on irc.freenode.net
joreg do you have skype or msn ?
run forest... run http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv35ItWLBBk&eurl=
Texture Converter http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Texture+Converter
is there anybody out there?
Help! I need somebody, help! not just anyboady(...) I have downloaded vvvv but i can´t install it. It supossed that vvvv had to be in .zip, but my download wasn´t. The vvvv.exe file cannot be opened. Can anybody help me?
thx rrrr
Nvidia Optyx raytracing http://www.nvidia.com/object/optix.html
many online people ? when will we create a vvvvQuake ?
@frank sure, he got famous with this body modification video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxdlYFCp5Ic
did you check others of this youtube-guy? copy your face2friend - weird http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRVvBSbonk
wow @ rrrr's link!!!l
shotters from Sunday were posted by myself.Credit to tonfilm for svvvvitcher. more to come....
incredible laser wrk! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBxPYhOnKv0
wow @ xd_nitros link!!!l
who created this > http://www.vvvv.org/show_image.php?id=7257 ++++++++++
O/T, but ha-ha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2a8TRSgzZY
contour > audio : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBxPYhOnKv0
anyone know how to enable system shutdown in vvvv? see forum post for details
got a shader question in the shader forums (which seem much unloved). help pleeez!
@phl: if you need artistical contents one day, do not hesitate ;-)
@xd nitro: I certainly laughed, he's a pro!
pro patchers wanted: www.meso.net/jobs
multi-point TUIO http://multipointtuio.iamhigham.com/
want a laugh > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WpD7i4RxnY
@kalle: thanks for the troubleshooting page..grande
Finally made my first attempt at mapping! :) I suggest everyone try it!
@e1n : il ROI è pronto
my visuals @ Glade festival > http://www.vimeo.com/5745927
It doesn't get better than this... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/504562
àdigital slaves: OK, I'll try to pass but I'm not sure. I'll call at the office
nice snapshot mtt_spline_plugin
@gaz: wow!
@devvvvs: reherasals after rehearsals, only one thing to say bout vvvv: vvvvvoaaaaavvvv
@cat, I'm sharing a room with you again. heheh
@happy: you might find this interesting: http://praxisberlin.net/contact/
I'm in Berlin till the start of August. Would be up for meeting some other vvvvolks if possible
@xd don't go coming here and giving it to everyone! Go back to bed!
@ ars i won't be there but the half of the team would be ... so u're welcome
@ars, what a pity i leaving this saturday... could have been greet to meet u !
I have swine flu!
@digital slaves: are you free next week? I'll be on Nantes for 4 or 5 days, I'd like to say hello...
@ karis call me Thursday at the office
gpu gems ebook free online http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems/gpugems_part01.html
281.474.976.710.656 Space Invaders http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnrudolph/3744238370/in/set-72157621767525570
@karistouf, bon courage ^^
@digital: very hard busy, are you free on jeudi soir or vendredi ?
agree with elektromeier
still working on it. Think there will be a aplha in some weeks
cant wait for the new webinterface plugins, they look very usefull. any idea when its ready to release @ phlegma ?
finally the wiimotelib was updated :D http://www.brianpeek.com/blog/archive/2009/07/20/wiimotelib-1-8-beta-1-posted.aspx
iq font http://vimeo.com/5233789
thanks very much!
3 day worksop next week here: http://kezmarok.avit.info/
New release of synth soon, still finishing other improvements on it. @fibo: mesh from synth and vvvv don't have the same coordinates, fixed in next release.
@vux: if I do some patch in the original structure synth and then I put it in the plugin I don' get always the same result.
i lovvvve vvvv
oooh yes vux a 1.0 compatible SS plugin would be awesome! http://www.flickr.com/photos/syntopia/3708342440/
jau, integral with binsize seen at changelog, any chance to have it for all spectral nodes? ;)
@milo WOW!
I would be OK to do it myself, but don't know anything about plugin programming
mesh based bubble gum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5xnAdVPbgQ&NR=1
@MrVux: yep, set seed initial seems very interseting, especially for Nabla systems... and many other features
Content-Preserving Warps for 3D Video Stabilization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TlCGh5Pc90 http://www.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Papers/Gleicher/fliu/siggraph09_preprint.pdf
@arsrobota: need any changes on structure synth?
Does anyone plan to update StructureSynth plugin?
anyone know which driver to use for PointGrey FireFly MV w/vvvv?
@kalle: chicken are OK as UK royal guards!
haas any one had any success with vvvv and sony VISCA for ptz cams?
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