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credits Alexey Beljakov, Andrey Boyarintsev, Anna Kerbo, Nikolay Matveev, Julien Vulliet, Minoru Ito
Architectural Light Studio (The ALS) is unrivaled software suite designed for creating, editing and playing back architectural and art lighting scenarios.
The debut of the ALS took place on The Light+Building 2014 in Frankfurt from March 30 to April 4, 2014
The ALS is written in vvvv by Ivan Rastr electronic crafts.
Please take a few minutes for video preview of The ALS v.0.95 beta
For further information about The Architectural Light Studio please contact IntiLED office
IntiLED team:
Sergey Matveev, Evgeniy Moskov, Uljana Vinogradova, Anton Lysenko, Elena Belova, Oleg Yanchenkov, Denis Ichalovsky
Ivan Rastr electronic crafts team:
Alexey Beljakov vnm, Andrey Boyarintsev bo27, Anna Kerbo kerbo, Nikolay Matveev unc and specially invited Julien Vulliet vux Thanks to Minoru Ito mino for helping with AntTweakBar.
credits Sabine Retschitzegger, Martin Retschitzegger, Chris Lenz, Helmut Breineder, Armin Keplinger, Wanja Glökler, Michael Tan, Hannes Richter, Daniel Huber, Stefan Rosinski, Ingolf Heinisch, Daniel Helgenberger, Thomas Eichhorn, Gerd Trautner
Projectionmappingshow with Realtimetracking
m box created a 3:40 minutes long show film that incorporated an extended stage setting with 4x Full HD back projection on a 20 meters wide center stage screen and 5 x Full HD projection on 20 modular stage elements, which were 3D-tracked using the customized Black Trax tracking system.
The tracking system was used in combination with our V4 based media server to track the modular stage elements which were constantly moved around and positioned by stage performers. By providing the tracking info and delivering it to the V4 interface, the projection could be adjusted in realtime to project on the various different arrangements of the 20 modular stage elements, such as cubes, pyramids and vertical panels.
More information + longer video:
credits elliotwoods mimison
Digital Emulsion, Nylon string
An architectural web of threads subtends a null space. It hangs abstract and undefined, a set of thin positive elements segmenting the dark negative space between. Dynamic imaginary forms are articulated into the physical volume by the material of this thread, and the semi-material of the light. The visual gravity of the filaments occupying the space between.
credits me for visuals :3 and bad mojo for music:
Hi guys, strangely i decided to make this video solely in vvvv, first thing was to make my own "editing interface" with external timeliner and bass asio nodes and after that increment mainloop is your best friend :3 enjoy!
its shame that youtube is making them videos so squary
credits Christopher Schultz, Philipp Ronnenberg, Benjamin Petersen
Giant head sculptures, symbolising the 'open minds' theme of the anniversary, are brought to life with over 36,000 LEDs and more than 7.5km of cable. We designed the visual content that plays on the contoured surface of each 3D head. At the event, children used tablets to draw digitally onto the giant heads.
We used Win surface PRO tablets (actually the first edition, imported from the US). In our opinion the only real tablet for running VVVV. Pros: i5 chip, surprizingly good speed, good resolution. Cons: getting quite warm.
We set up a wifi connection between tablet and 3D LED-head workstation, both running VVVV. Several V4 software brushes were developed. Your artwork is getting saved on a gallery.
Showtime was Oct 13 - March 14 in Zurich, London, New York, Beijing.
Kids loved it. Client happy. We are too.
XL SOLUTION (Düsseldorf): LED hardware
BELLPRAT (Zurich): Event & space architecture
ADVICO (Zurich): Media concept
Still working on a videomapping live tool! -->working-on-a-videomapping-live-tool
Time-lapse from 12 hours performance during 2014
credits Muthesius Academy of Arts
An exhibit covering the topic "Submarine Landslides", commissioned by the ocean research initiative "Future Ocean Cluster" Kiel Germany
Idea & Creative Direction: Konrad Rappaport
Technical Direction: Chris Engler
Software: Jonas Häutle & Hermann Hartung
Scientific Content: Dr. David Völker
Voice: Louise Dölger
Audio: Fabian Heinitz
a Muthesius Academy of Arts Project // Prof. Tom Duscher
bits and pieces by wirmachenbunt
credits Alessandro Maggioni, v4anton
Seeing an old industrial space filled with huge machines was like a call for action.
In their gloomy shadows you would inevitably recognize monsters hiding behind. Friendly ones.
Pencils, Scissors, 1 x Laptop, 1 x Kinect, 1 x Projector
vvvv, dragonframe
A project by Alessandro Maggioni and v4anton during the Schmiede 2013 Festival (fb).
In homage to Philip Worthington.
Monsterz: Ludwig and Renate, Theresia, Fátima, Lisbeth, Haydeè, Jan, Jannik, Kathi, Connie, Simon, Ale.
Installation sounds: Lukas Wandl.
Documentation footage: Jakob Barth, Jannik Weylandt, Benjamin Hohnheiser, Jan-Nahuel Jenny.
Sculptures on site: Gerald Pfaffl, Carlo Galli, Giovi.
Video soundtrack: Alessandro Maggioni + Toto Wolf ('All MonsterZ to all People')
Thanks: Ruediger Wassibauer and the SCHMIEDE team, ceeyaa, velcrome, motzi.
credits Federica Dauri, Alberto Novello a.k.a JesterN, Antony Rayzhekov a.k.a Zeos
Federica Dauri
Alberto Novello
Antony Rayzhekoff
At STEIM, during a 3-week residency in 2013, we experimented with different resources available in the STEIM facilities including our motion tracking system and body projection mapping. The main purpose of the residency was to develop a set of tools for future performances as our goal is to collect site-specific material and create a different performance in different spaces.
We experimented in creating sound and visuals through movement with the help of VVVV, SuperCollider and different motion tracking sensors and techniques.
Created at
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