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Dubstep Tunage by PAMPA _
Video by Mangosh. _
This motion graphics animation was done using a live audio-responsive patch programmed in VVVV, filmed using FRAPS and then edited in After Effects. Plug-ins used: Twitch, Trapcode Form, Trapcode Particular & Trapcode StarGlow.
Animals were definitely hurt during the making of this video!
credits Bartholomäus Traubeck. Thanks to: Karla Spiluttini, Pro-ject Audio, Ivo Francx, Rohol, Land Salzburg.
A tree’s year rings are analysed for their strength, thickness and rate of growth. This data serves as basis for a generative process that outputs piano music based on the year ring data. Those are analyzed for their thickness and growth rate and are then mapped to a scale which is again defined by the overall appeareance of the wood (ranging from dark to light and from strong texture to light texture). The foundation for the music is certainly found in the defined ruleset of programming and hardware setup, but the data acquired from every tree interprets this ruleset very differently.
Project page + video:
In December 2011 we were invited to the FREEMOTE FESTIVAL in Utrech, NL.
Watch a quick overview, our mapping installation at the entrance of this amazing huge place and some short excerpts of a VJ session at the end of the clip. ENJOY!!
We used 3 projectors, some LED bars and, of course, vvvv again.
15.11.2011 “Basta un giorno per cambiare Palermo”
Presentation of new Master City Plan from Confindustria Palermo about future planning & development
Collective Videomapping from Kinocirkus, Mammasonica, students from videomapping workshop di videomapping AND Friends
Vj Luper -
Luca Pulvirenti -
Federello -
Fernandez Manetta -
Lucio Giacalone - music "ENTER"
Peppe -
Students: Rosanna, Cinzia, Piera e Andrea
LBRNTH will be an interactive installation presented at the exhibition "Hová lesznek a kitörölt fájlok?" . it will be projected on the ground. people can stand on the playing area and they can balance the levels like they were standing on a raft on the water. the goal is to take the ball from the start (yellow spot) to the end (green hole) avoiding falling down from the level or falling in the holes.
created in VVVV using bullet physics (vux)
music: Polyklinik - Celery Cream Soup
free download at complementary distribution netlabel:
an a white big floor there are some black stylized lines. just a whole vision suggests that the lines combines the five continents borders. the world. guns, airplanes, explosions, shouts and laments create the martial, enervating sound ambient. in the northern part of the world there is a white toilete bowl with a red velvet pillow. in the southern part eight big tubes. thanks to vvvv+proximity sensor, when a visitor sit down on the toilet bowl each tubes pull out from the underground a voice. voice of people who fighted, denounced and lived a war. moving on the floor from a voice to another, visitors leave their foot-print and paint a still-life: a bloody world.
art direction/IxD/set design: mariano leotta
sound design: ex-directory, kim-iya
Day of contemporary art, curated by AMACI, Leggere Strutture Factory, Bologna
Border, curated by Silvia Moro, Casa Morigi, Milan
M3-metrocubo curated by Cristina Olivieri and Valeria Giuliani, Fuoricentro, Livorno
Y+quasar, curated by Cinzia Scordia, ZO Centro Culture Contemporanee, Catania
Video for Ecule Drift from Monologs upcoming release Aerodymanic album out Feb. 18 2012
Download for free after Feb. 18 2012 here:
Experience Monolog Live:
21-jan-12 – Monolog – Berlin, GER – But & Better -
16-feb-12 – Monolog, Kiloton, Periskop – Aalborg, DEN –
17-feb-12 – Monolog, MOTORSAW – Copenhagen, DEN – Mayhem -
18-feb-12 – Monolog – Berlin, DEN – Wendel -
Music by Monolog
Video by MOTORSAW (me)
Released on Uhrlaut
You can watch installation view from here:
Sound and visuals: Candas Sisman
Commissioned by İstanbul 2010 European capital of culture Agency
Thanks to: Peter Kogler, Burçak Konukman, Güneş Nasuhbeyoglu, Sinem Yilmaz.
Produced a bunch of loops for opening of the Game On Exhibition way back in 2008 or so...
Just a quick montage of some of them- if you want the originals to play with just drop me a line.
Nice chip tune music by
"Lovelorn" CCBYSA
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