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Video for Sjaissestrasse from Monologs upcoming release Aerodymanic album out Feb. 18 2012
Download for free after Feb. 18 2012 here:
Experience Monolog Live:
21-jan-12 – Monolog – Berlin, GER – But & Better -
16-feb-12 – Monolog, Kiloton, Periskop – Aalborg, DEN –
17-feb-12 – Monolog, MOTORSAW – Copenhagen, DEN – Mayhem -
18-feb-12 – Monolog – Berlin, DEN – Wendel -
Music by Monolog
Video by MOTORSAW (me)
Released on Uhrlaut
Les souvenirs sont comme ces petites
et légères figures de glaise
laissées au gré du vent...
au destin libre
mais à la fois égaré,
elles dansent dans la mélancolie du passé,
se mouvant vers une expression inattendue:
la conscience du présent.
hari video + final cut pro + motion
une musique de Yann Tiersen; merci pour, à travers de ta musique, créer une inspiration
avec la collaboration de sasáh (voix et texte)
actrice: la petite julie, 6 ans
une traduction de michele jolibert lloberes
une réalisation de nacho mayals mira
It was a real pleasure to work with them; we (pep salvat fotografia and me= the visual partners) just added the lenses, and Marta & Saul prove they love... a real love, close-up love.
Realtime animation driven by sound and midi controller (Akai LPD8). No editing.
Song by Amon Tobin "Lost Found" (ISAM, 2011).
More pics here:
Made with
Experimental short film with vintage sound clips from 1965's film 'The Cincinnati Kid'. The pokerman loses his last game but... as a real life, he will not be able to resign.
Goethe Institute Barcelona commissioned Sebastian Neitsch and me doing live music-visualisations on the Arc the Triomf in Barcelona.
On two nights we performed for one hour. First night (3rd June, 2011) with Javier Navarrete (piano) and Luc Suarez (electronic guitar), second night (4th June 2011) along the dj-set of Negro.
This is a short excerpt of the second night.
additional credits:
Andreas Jalsovec: 3d modelling
Refik Anadol, Efe Mert Kaya, Maurice Braggotti: documentation
I know Roger since a long time ago, and it was a real pleasure to feel all the emotions in his wedding day, with Leydi, the woman of his life.
Dejaros llevar por las cálidas notas del piano…
sencillas, suaves… detallistas, humildes…
y combinarlas con los gestos, miradas, luces, caricias…
en un diálogo musical…
en el diálogo del amor...
Así son Fanny y Salva, una pareja llena de calidez y luz propia.
Proceso creativo de edición para el Festival Europeo de Cortometrajes Cambrils-Reus 2012.
En 32 horas se tenía que realizar un microcorto de un minuto con un objeto que entregaba la organización, en este caso una casita de plástico.
Procés creatiu d'edició per al Festival Europeu de Curtmetratges Cambrils-Reus 2012.
En 32 hores s'havia de realitzar un microcurt d'un minut amb un objecte que entragava l'organització, en aquest cas una caseta de plàstic.
Edition's creative process for a 32 hours Festival Europeu de Curtmetratges Cambrils-Reus 2012.
Just 32 hours to do a one minute short with a piece hand over by the organization, in this case a small house toy.
controlling and masking a 3D graphic via the iPad by realtime interaction.
a basic experiment from the ART+COM laboratory. visit
software used:
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