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Music video made of generative art programmed with VVVV by Glasspiel. The video was made for the track "Voices From The Lake - Drop3" by Donato Dozzy and Neel for the label Prologue
Tanks to VVVV and all his community!
Interactive Installation created in vvvv
Random impressionist paintings are being projected into a classic golden frame.
Time after time the painting drains its colour, through 3 brushes, to form the artists name and the paintings title in type.
The particles that are building the type are displayed as brushstrokes representing the colour palette of the current painting. The type is stealing colour from the painting, this is reflects the fact that many ideas used and celebreated in design have been "stolen" from classical art pieces.
I created a version with dynamic soundscapes, created depending on the emitted colours but unfortunately couldnt not record or play any sound during the exhibition.
credits Students: Jan Barth (jancouver), Roman Stefan Grasy (roman_g), Mark Lukas, Markus Lorenz Schilling (dl-110) Academics: Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker, Prof. Ralf Dringenberg
Interaction designers develop our digital everyday life. They concept, sketch and create new possibilities of interaction, which are evaluated with functional and technical prototypes.
The book “Prototyping Interfaces – Interactive Sketches with VVVV” covers within 280 pages the applied handling of interactive sketches with the visual programming language VVVV.
Music video made of generative art programmed with VVVV by Glasspiel. The video was made for the track "Voices From The Lake - Drop3" by Donato Dozzy and Neel for the label Prologue
Tanks to VVVV and all his community!
Interactiondesigners develop our digital everyday life. They concept, sketch and create new possibilities of interaction, which are evaluated with functional and technical prototypes.
The book "Prototyping Interfaces – Interactive Sketches with VVVV" covers within 280 pages the applied handling of interactive sketches with the visual programming language VVVV. It is divided into two main chapters, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part concerns the definition and the meaning of the term "prototype" in the designprocess. The practical part of the book branches the basics of the visual programming language VVVV and how to control different electronic components with Arduino and VVVV. Beginning from the use of different sensors and actuators to modern tracking technologies like the xBox Kinect, different examples are explained within a wide range of tutorials.
"Prototyping Interfaces" is addressed to designstudents, interactiondesigners and media artists.
Music: "My Headache" by Wake (
just some basic experiments: generating and controlling a 3d graphic via the iPad by realtime interaction.
used software
cokiyu - Your Thorn
Directed by Ohashi Takashi
Video for the Japanese musician "cokiyu"
cokiyu 2nd album "Your Thorn" 9/14 on sale!
iTunes store
by the courtesy of Plato Art Space (Plato College of higher education)
ilhan koman hulda festival, a journey into art and science exhibition
Ayvansaray Caddesi No:33 Balat - İstanbul
22 September - 31 october
video and sound design by Candas Sisman
commissioned by Plato Art Space (Plato collage of higher education)
thanks to :İlhan Koman, Bager Akbay, Gorkem Sen, Burcu Beslioglu, Plato Art Space (Plato collage of higher education), Koman foundation, Deniz kader
A Short Animation Inspired by the Works of İlhan Koman
Plato Art Space is proud to present Candaş Şişman’s video dedicated to famous sculptor İlhan Koman produced for the exhibition İlhan Koman: Hulda Festival, a Journey into Art and Science opening on the 22nd September, 2010.
İlhan Koman’s unique design approach in his form studies also inspires contemporary art works. The video installation Flux by young artist Candaş Şişman can be defined as a digital animation which is inspired from the structural features of some of İlhan Koman’s works like Pi, 3D Moebius, Whirlpool and To Infinity... A red circle, which is colored in reference to the red radiators of Ogre, is traced in a morphological transformation which re-interprets the formal approach of Koman’s works. The continuous movement sometimes connotes the formal characteristics of Pi, 3D Moebius, Whirlpool and To Infinity..., as well as the original formal interpretations of the design principles of the works . In Flux, Koman’s design process in the making of the Pi series has been treated as the emerging of a sphere from a two-dimensional circle by the principle of increasing the surface; and that simple direction is re-interpreted in digital medium. Thanks to this, in the digital animation an entirely different form serial that does not resemble Pi yet remaining its design principle can be followed through the flow of a circle to the sphere. As a conscious attitude of the artist, this work is not designed in a direct visual analogy with Koman’s works. During the animation, none of the moments of the transforming form look like Pi or 3D Moebius, however the subjective reading of Koman’s approach can be observed.
With the integration of the sounds of various materials – which Koman used in his sculptures – Flux turns into an impressive spatial experience. Flux, also exemplifies that Koman’s work can be re-interpreted by the analysis and manipulation of form in the digital medium.
Installazione interattiva presentata durante la tre giorni di apertura degli spazi del Pagliaio di Roma. Il Pagliaio nasce come luogo di ricerca e creazione delle arti contemporanee quali performing art, teatro, site specific, musica, video ed installazioni. È un luogo che ambisce alla costruzione di una rete di conoscenze con persone e gruppi di giovani artisti di ogni nazionalità che necessitano di uno spazio per la creazione.
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Interactive installation presented during the three days of opening up spaces of "Il Pagliaio in Rome. "Il Pagliaio" was founded as a place of research and creation of contemporary arts such as performing arts, theater, site-specific music, videos and installations. It is a place that aims to build a network of contacts with individuals and groups of young artists of all nationalities that need a space to create.
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