when is there going to be const inputs for shader nodes?
you mean this? tonfilm patches#fft recorder
anyone seen the nrt fft save ?
@woei, i'm quite busy these days, if you have a time you may come my performance at 8/25, 14:30 & 16:30 in taipei Digital Art Center
Thanks, will try both
@everyoneishappy: Teamviewer has a vpn option aswell
@androidparth use the powerpoint shortcuts together with keyboard node to simulate keystrokes
@androidparth: screen capturing with 2 pcs..... maybe there is easier way
anyone ideas on how to use vvvv to control a powerpoint presentation?
Nice Gifs http://mrdiv.tumblr.com/
@jzzxh: cool, time for a drink? will be in taipei a couple of days
@everyoneishappy - yes! their products are likeable enough to buy on pro jobs. Hamachi is still available free on there iirc
md.vis 1.1 coming i hope this week. revamped a lot of stuff inside, also textureFX compatible;)
@Elliot looking for fake 'lan' setup. Seems LogMeIn owns hamachi now...
nice tool for designers http://board.creonomy.com/
@everyoneishappy : depending on what you need, perhaps LogMeIn free would help.Do you need remote access or a pure network vpn?
@everyoneishappy, check: anchorfree or cyberghost
woei@ i'm in Taiwan
any v's in taiwan?
suggestions for small VPN? preferably free?
@mrboni, best start a thread about it with a patch and describe how you would change the sizes over time...
cool - looking forward for it, btw. is it in the current alpha sources already?
@ethermammoth forgot to commit on this release, next addonpack will have it.
@sinclair http://amzn.com/1616890770
has anyone implemented the facetracking from the kinect 1.5 sdk?
Anyone know where to purchase the english version of Generative Visuals book?
@tonfilm - is there a way to do similar to your text fractal but where every size in spread is recalculated every frame?
Liquid Light : https://vimeo.com/47904573
3D Face Tracking -> http://faceshift.com/
io:sad no full res t2go support
parasitic design P2 drop: parasitic-design-second-chapter-now-available #vvvv @gnrtvdsgn
So, sparky is back http://sparklive.net/
http://tinyurl.com/82mamzf great Kinect Interaction on 2D Surface - its playable
Experimental Light Sculpture https://vimeo.com/44160295
@met + ant: good to see it unedited with errors, learning how to do something and bug fix (swearing adds comedy value)
@antokhio: Anything you like, OSC, USB MIDI controllers, Kinect, etc. Video tutorial methods for learning more fun+works faster.
metro: witch theme you want?
does anyone know good web store where to purchase cheap moultitouch panels for experimenting? and what of them are nice enough?
confirmed 3 projectors + control screen on Retina MacBook Pro (LCD, DP>DVI, DP>VGA, HDMI)
@antokhio: thank you, we need more detail tuts like this, also it's enjoyable to see how others work with vvvv.
Particles : Daito Manabe & Motoi Ishibashi / Stereolux Nantes https://vimeo.com/43890716
@antokhio: very good!
we're doing this arduino workshop in berlin on 25-26 Aug. join us if you like http://www.symbioticcube.com/?p=228
@mrboni:try SetAlpha, not nice, but is a way
is there a nice way to use glow texture effect and allow alpha channel through?
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/540653_433591313325992_659099695_n.jpg Mórász Dávid posted this on facebook...
@stix: according to http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/system.windows.forms.keys.aspx PageDown=Next and PageUp=Prior so ja, strange, but this is what key.toString() returns in .net
eh new keyboard-keymatch sending PageUp, Next instead of PageUp, PageDown
Measuring objects in 3D using only a camera and projector http://youtu.be/YH-ehE6NVFM
thx for the vid antokhio. todomap is completly undocumented hmm.a brief introction would be helpful.
http://youtu.be/ubQU8uSEKSc redid with sound and mouse clicks
@antokhio: Cool!
@elliot great;D
Thankyou colorsound for the wonderful gifts! They will be heartily enjoyed. love from kimchi and chips.
@joreg - fixed, but not before posting a dumb forum question. Nothing like posting a screenshot to help you notice the details ;)
@joreg - fixed, but not before I made a dumb forum post. Nothing like posting a screenshot to help you notice the details ;)
@mrboni: strange since there is no such file supposed to be with vvvv
b28 is constantly tripping comodo due to dinput8.dll. I normally tell comodo vvvv is a 'trusted app' but it's ignoring me :(
big thx for the new beta + addonpack!
hey @gnrtvdsgn beware: #vvvv copycats are parasitizing your great work: parasitic-design-a-vvvv-beginners-cookbook
do you have latest DX9 installed on win8?
Bad news! Something must have changed in windows 8: info ex9.texture doesn't output shared handle with /dx9ex
thanks devs! <8
@desaxis: please report with details in forum
Gravity? https://vimeo.com/46491171#
wow, what a bunch of new little features!
middleclick magic not working on subpatches outputs ?!
now it is open again
just closed the computer for tonight
out now: #vvvv 45beta28 vvvv45beta28
skizzen mit MRE https://vimeo.com/47277852
@androidparth: There is a gesture node for the Kinect (OpenNi).
hey guys can someone tell me how to detect gestures using v4?
Kinect niceness: http://research.microsoft.com/apps/video/default.aspx?id=170834
face detection on randomness: http://iobound.com/pareidoloop/
evvvverybody install http://windows.github.com/
@vasilis behance.com or cargocollective.com
Thanks @skyliner and @m9dfukc
@ vasilis: check this and this
@vasilis http://staceyapp.com/ and then there is http://indexhibit.org/ (but that sucks imho since they release v2)
Anyone knows any good website to make an online portfolio? (free if it's possible)
Possible bug on wordwrap? string-wordwrap-problem
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